Koku is a Japanese word and it stands for the volume of rice (Energy) required
feed a family for a year. At Koku Solar we are committed to provide energy to
every family (consumer) at most competitive costs to bring optimum earning by
harvesting from sun.
Jay Narendra Vyas
Jay sees every roof as a potential place for
harvesting solar energy and cutting the power
costs. Providing customized solution is his
specialization. His focus on installations with EMI
options provides the opportunity of saving power
cost without making any investment. Ensuring
power generation leading to committed payback
is his only theme. GERMI certified installer and
trainer, Jay puts his vast experience in training to
create installers and entrepreneurs in solar
Chinmay Hari Divekar
Chinmay makes innovation work. Taking
forward mission Digital India, Chinmay has
created online infrastructure where a customer
can get an instant quote, place an order online
and get the status of the project on the smart
phone. As a marketing expert, Chinmay exactly
understands every customer’s need and offers a
deal which no customer can refuse. Building an
army of PV Installers and Solar Entrepreneurs in
next three years is his goal. Earn while the sun
shines is Chinmay’s call to every investor. He
believes Sun has blessed “Koku” for every family
on this earth.